HOSTEL Nature Lodge Sepilok, Sandakan in Malaysia
Located in Sepilok, just before the junction to Rainforest Discovery Center, the Lodge is located 1.5KM from the roundabout at the main road, 800m to Rainforest Discovery Center and 1.2KM to Sepilok orang Utan center. Nature Lodge Sepilok offers 2 room options – dormitory and chalet type to suit… [more]
HOSTEL Nature Lodge Sepilok
Jalan Sepilok ,Off Mile 4, Jalan Labuk
Check In: 14:00 – 22:00 h
Rating: 89%
Productlatitude: 5.8765447
Productlongitude: 117.9505641
11.25 |45.02
Preis: 9.28
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