HOSTEL Phuket Sunny Hostel, Phuket in Thailand
Offering quality accommodations at the most affordable rates. The charm and ambiance of Phuket Sunny Hostel is reflected not only from its Sino-colonial style building and yesteryears‘ interior decorations and designs, but in each and every guestroom as well. Internet access – wireless (complimentar… [more]
HOSTEL Phuket Sunny
22-24 Dibuk Road, Muang Phuket ,Phuket Town
Check In: 11:00 – 21:00 h
Rating: 86%
Productlatitude: 7.8863778
Productlongitude: 98.3872968
6.25 |10.82
Preis: 5.15
Keine Erfahrungsberichte vorhanden