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HOSTEL Zurich Youth Hostel, Zurich in Switzerland

46,35 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night




HOSTEL Zurich Youth Hostel, Zurich in Switzerland

On the site where a school cabin served as a hostel in 1936, there now stands a spacious new-build featuring modern infrastructure, varied cuisine, a cosy bar and a 24-hour reception. Just a stone’s throw from the lake shore, it’s the perfect place from which to start chilled afternoons on the lake,… [more]

HOSTEL Zurich Youth
Mutschellenstr. 114

Check In: 15:00 – 23:00 h

Rating: 84%

Productlatitude: 47.3479773
Productlongitude: 8.5278232

56.19 |121.13

Preis: 46.35

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46,35 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

46,35 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night