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GUESTHOUSE Pousada Favelinha, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

7,74 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night




GUESTHOUSE Pousada Favelinha, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

The greatest view and the quietest environment you can imagine! The Hostel ‚Pousada Favelinha‘ is located on a small mountain in the heart of Rio de Janeiro, between the district of Laranjeiras and the hip Santa Teresa. It is situated inside a small ‚Favela‘, one of the many ‚poor‘ districts that Ri… [more]

GUESTHOUSE Pousada Favelinha
Rua Antonio Joaquim Batista, casa 13 ,Entrada: Rua Almirante Alexandrino 2023
Rio de Janeiro

Check In: 12:00 – 23:00 h

Rating: 69%

Productlatitude: -22.9285757
Productlongitude: -43.1939042

9.38 |22.52

Preis: 7.74

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7,74 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

7,74 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night