HOSTEL Casa Estacion Hostal, Medellin in Colombia
Casa Estación is a nice hostel that offer Free Internet Access, cable TV, Outdoor Terrace and 24 hour reception. At Casa Estación you will enjoy the localization. Situated 5 minutes walking distance from the Poblado Station (Metro Station), 15 minutes walking to Parque Lleras and Parque del Pobla… [more]
HOSTEL Casa Estacion Hostal
Calle 12 N. 43D
Check In: 15:00 – 23:00 h
Rating: 60%
Productlatitude: 6.2135926
Productlongitude: -75.5718480
2.08 |9.27
Preis: 1.71
Keine Erfahrungsberichte vorhanden