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HOSTEL Mount Backpackers, Mount Maunganui in New Zealand

17,69 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night




HOSTEL Mount Backpackers, Mount Maunganui in New Zealand

Free unlimited WiFi, Netflix, discounted surfboard / wetsuit rental ($20 combo), and free bike use for guests. We are the only Hostel in downtown Mount Maunganui and the closest Hostel to the Mount main beaches – an easy 2 minute walk! Located in the heart of Mount’s main street, in this smal… [more]

HOSTEL Mount Backpackers
87 Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui
New Zealand

Check In: 14:00 – 19:00 h

Rating: 83%

Productlatitude: -37.6360630
Productlongitude: 176.1825920

21.44 |999999

Preis: 17.69

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17,69 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

17,69 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night