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HOSTEL Tiberias Hostel, Tiberias in Israel

19,02 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

HOSTEL Tiberias Hostel, Tiberias in Israel

Tiberias Hostel – Your Home Base in the North of Israel. Central location, Worldly staff, Budget & Upgraded rooms and all the information you might need because locals know best. And this area has much to offer. Just jump on a bus, bike, hitchhike or your rental car and soon you’re in Capernaum,… [more]

HOSTEL Tiberias
Rabbin Square

Check In: 14:00 – 23:00 h

Rating: 90%

Productlatitude: 32.7886111
Productlongitude: 35.5394444

23.06 |70.72

Preis: 19.02

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19,02 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

19,02 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night