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GUESTHOUSE Earthship Patagonia Eco Accommodation, El Bolson in Argentina

17,31 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night




GUESTHOUSE Earthship Patagonia Eco Accommodation, El Bolson in Argentina

Earthship Patagonia was constructed by the hands of over 70 students and volunteers beginning in March 2015. The original design is by Michael Reynolds of Earthship Biotecture, an internationally famed ecological construction firm focused on utilizing rubbish to create beautifully modern and functio… [more]

GUESTHOUSE Earthship Patagonia Eco Accommodation
Azcuénaga, 754
El Bolson

Check In: 14:00 – 23:00 h

Rating: 94%

Productlatitude: -41.9623460
Productlongitude: -71.5294740

20.99 |55.78

Preis: 17.31

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17,31 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night

17,31 €

Durchschnittspreis pro Nacht
Average price per night